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Oddworld Wiki

"He swiped the manuals outta shipping years ago! He's been read'n em ever since!"

-Alf on Toby

Toby is a Mudokon who was a former employee of Rupture Farms. He plays a minor role in Oddworld: Soulstorm.


Toby used to work at Rupture Farms. Due to his knowledge of communication outposts, it can be assumed that he used to work managing the Rupture Farms Comm Tower, before being moved to boiler duty in a forgotten part of the Farm. One day, he sneaked into the Rupture Farms train station, where he found a shipping manual and started reading it for entertainment. He was placed in such an obscure area that neither the Rupture Farms employee count nor Abe knew of his location, and so he was not saved by the end of Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty.

Physical Appearance and Personality[]

Toby largely resembles other Mudokons, however he sports a brown cap turned backwards which sets him apart. He wears a pale shirt with the sleeves rolled up and brown overalls.

Toby has more familiarity with machinery than most Rupture Farms employees, apparently being the only one other than Alf not on some sort of cleaning duty. He mostly keeps quiet, but will occasionally pipe up if he has an idea or knowledge that can help Abe.

Oddworld: Soulstorm[]

Toby's Escape[]

Toby stars as the main character in the Toby's Escape expansion for Oddworld: Soulstorm. Taking place in between the Good Ending of Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty and the start of Soulstorm, it describes his escape from Rupture Farms after Abe and Big Face started the lightning storm that destroyed Rupture Farms.

During one of his breaks while reading the Feeco Manual, a fire started in the boiler room, which he believed was caused by his negligence. Realizing that shipping containers were falling from above, he tried to inform anyone working at the Shipping Dock about the issue, but saw that they were all missing. Trying to escape the fire that he though was his own fault, Toby went to flee on a train, but it left before he could board it.

From there he took an elevator to Zulag 1. Although Toby had never visited it, he knew that the fire was a far bigger problem than just a boiler malfunction. Soon, he navigated himself up a lift maintenance shaft and through several meat processing units until he reached the stockyards entrance. By releasing the door to his own freedom, he also freed the Paramites and Scrabs held within. After freeing the sacred animals, the glowing lights that had led Abe through the Mudos Wilds led Toby through the now abandoned Free Fire Zone to the Monsaic Lines.

Main Game[]

Toby first appears in the cutscene after the Reunion at the Old Trellis. Abe is initially confused as to why Toby can drive the hijacked train, but Alf explains that Toby's knowledge comes from a stolen manual. During the ride between the Old Trellis and Slig Barracks, Toby explains that Blahtta tapes are still used in communication outposts. While Abe and Alf wonder where to get enough ingredients to replace Soulstorm Brew with the Antidote, Toby pipes up, asking whether Feeco Depot might have the stock required. Alf takes him up on the idea, and Abe infiltrated the Feeco Yards to steal three large crates full of antidote ingredients.

During the trip from Feeco Depot to Soulstorm Brewery, Toby starts to panic, as the train was running low on fuel, and Molluck's elite Sligs are catching up. In the bad ending, Abe spills Soulstorm Brew over the drivers cabin. Toby is able to catch a spark from the furnace that might have lit the cabin alight, but another spark comes out, and Toby, Abe and Alf are burnt alive. In the good ending, Abe is able to use the Shrykull to break into Soulstorm Brewery.



  • Toby featured in the cinematic teaser shown by Oddworld Inhabitants at Unity GDC 2019, and was the first named character from Soulstorm to be shown fully animated.
  • Toby likes to drink Soulstorm Brew through a straw.
  • In notes found on official concept art, Toby was in initially named Buddy, perhaps being an adaptation of the original character.
  • In interviews, Lorne Lanning alludes to Toby being neurodivergent or perhaps being on the autism spectrum.

