Oddworld: Squeek's Oddysee is a canceled title in the classic Oddworld series. It was meant to be the third major installment in the classic Quintology, introducing Squeek as a third main character alongside Abe and Munch. After the problematic release of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, Oddworld Inhabitants closed its doors for several years and the project was shelved indefinitely.

Concept Art from an unreleased Oddworld game that is assumed to be for Squeek's Oddysee.
Squeek's Story The story of Squeek's Oddysee would have revolved around the protagonist Squeek, a member of a minuscule race at the bottom of the Oddworld food-chain. Squeek would have been forced to inhabit a mechanical body after having his limbs repossessed by Vykker scientists. According to an interview[1] with Lorne Lanning, the Vykkers have been making robotic life-support devices so they could repossess people's parts up to their entire bodies, similarly to how one would get evicted from their home if they didn't pay their mortgages. They'd stick whats left of the person in a clunky robotic form and toss them out in the street. Squeek would be forced to navigate Oddworld society as a vagrant but through his journey he would uncover hidden power within himself.
Abe and Munch The terrorist actions of Mudokon fugitive Abe, and Vykker Labs escapee, Munch have caused so much damage to the infrastructure of the Magog Cartel and the Uggae Estate that the cartels matriarch, Lady Margret, in an act of desperation, is forced to awaken her Grandmother from cryogenic stasis. It would be revealed that the reason Lady Margret's Grandmother was frozen in the first place was because she was suffering from a deadly wasting disease known as Gorman Disenza that only allows her to live for 90 more days. Not only must Lady Margret's Grandmother crush the Mudokon rebellion once and for all but she must also capture Munch so that his blood can be used as a potential cure for her Gorman Disenza. It is unknown how else Abe and Munch would have affected the game, but it can be assumed that at some point they would meet up with Squeek to devise a team-up.
Sqeek's Oddysee was one of the first Concepts (next to Abe's Oddysee, Munch's Oddysee, and Citizen Seige) that Lorne Lanning had pitched to Sherry McKenna to convince her to create Oddworld Inhabitants with him. Initially Sherry was drawn to the story of Squeek more than that of Abe or Munch, at the time believing that Abe and Munch couldn't have been as likable as Squeek. Originally Squeek was supposed to be the third title in the original Oddworld Quintology, releasing after Abe's Oddysee (the first game) and Munch's Oddysee (the second game), but due to the rushed release of Munch's Oddysee, the sheer number of content that was cut from the final game, and the games commercial under-performance, Squeek's Oddysee had inevitably canceled. That last time Squeek was ever officially acknowledged by Oddworld Inhabitants was during a poll when Oddworld Inhabitants asked fans what they wanted the next Oddworld installment to be. Some of the titles purposed on the poll included An HD remake of Abe's Exoddus, A sequel to Strangers Wrath, and The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot, but in the end, the final results of the poll eventually led to Squeek being shelved and Oddworld Inhabitants going forward with the release of Oddworld: Soulstorm.
- It is a commonly accepted (but nonetheless wrong) factoid in the community, that either Squeek himself is a so-called "Brain Slurg" or that it's a creature that he uses to control others. Neither is true and they both stemmed from a single misunderstanding.
- Squeek's name is an onomatopoeia (word associated with a sound from which the word is named) perhaps alluding the Squeek's small stature.
- According to interviews, Squeek's Oddysee would have been set on the "shipping harbors" of Oddworld at the outskirts of Industrial civilization.