Oddworld Wiki

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Oddworld Wiki


The OddBoxx logo.

The OddBoxx is a collection of downloadable games for PC and PlayStation 3 containing the first four Oddworld games developed by Oddworld Inhabitants before the original studio closure in 2005. The OddBoxx was released on the December 20th 2010 on Steam and on November 6th 2013 on the PlayStation Store.

The OddBoxx is available on Steam for $12.99 USD/£9.99 GBP/€12.99 EUR/$12.99 AUS, and on the PlayStation Store for £15.99 GBP.


Platform differences[]

  • The PlayStation 3 version uses emulated copies of the original PlayStation releases of Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus, while the PC version uses the original Windows 98 PC releases.
  • The PlayStation 3 version contains Munch's Oddysee HD, while the PC version contains the original Munch's Oddysee PC port.


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Currently the only known issue with the OddBoxx's content is severe frame-rate issues still have not been fixed.

  • Stranger's Wrath was known for having a severe frame-rate issue with certain users.
  • Munch's Oddysee was known to have various crashing issues, but was swiftly patched over.

External links[]

