The Glukkons are one of the leading industrial races on Oddworld, with the sheer scope of their might rendering all other "industrial" races subservient. One of their most infamous and powerful organizations is the Magog Cartel, the dominant industrial power on Oddworld. Not unlike the Mudokon race, Glukkons were once a spiritually orientated society. However, Glukkons began to dabble with black magic in an attempt to earn notoriety and respect from other native Oddworld races. This approach backfired horrifically, almost causing their extinction. This disaster led to the surviving Glukkons abandoning their spiritual ways and becoming an industrial species. Modern Glukkons have an innate distrust of magical and spiritual practices. Due to their decrepit physical state, the Glukkons have enlisted the aid of the Slig race to act as their security forces and personal lackeys.
Glukkons are one of the main antagonistic forces in Abe's Oddysee, Abe's Exoddus, Munch's Oddysee, and Soulstorm.
As a species, Glukkons belong to the Octigi family, which includes Gloktigi (huge, brutishly strong monsters) and Oktigi (squid-like mind-controlling parasites). Glukkons have bulbous heads, bioluminescent eyes, leathery/scaly skin, and small, tube-like ears. Their incisor teeth are rather large, taking up a large amount of space at the front of their mouths. Glukkons often vary in appearance between individuals. While a pink hue is quite common, Glukkon skin pigments have quite a wide variety, ranging from purple to green to brown. Glukkons have two long arms and two legs, but their actual legs have become vestigial in nature, with all of their toes reduced to a single curved claw. Due to this, they walk on their long muscular arms, supporting their body weight on their hands. Their legs have been rendered in such a way due to their decreased physical activity, as well as their increasing reliance on technology and lesser species to carry out manual work on their behalf. Because their hands are used for walking (as well as concealed inside shoes), they rely on Sligs and other races to do all their work for them. To hide their pathetic-looking legs, they dress themselves in full-fitted suits with wide shoulders to give themselves a large, domineering silhouette. Consequently, Glukkons are physically weaker than Sligs or Mudokons and they are virtually unable to hold objects and their walking (such as it is) is reduced to a clumsy side-to-side waddling motion. This means they're utterly helpless when Mudokons or Sligs try to attack them. In Oddworld: Soulstorm, Glukkons have been redesigned and, although keeping their main bodily frame, their skin color is now a light gray, their eyes no longer glow, and they have more distinct looks to one another.
As their name suggests, Glukkons are gluttonous carnivores, and will happily devour an entire species to extinction. Though it's still not known if the Glukkons actually consume the native species of Oddworld, since the consumers' identities are currently unknown.

The Mudokon Moon in the skies above Mudos
Before the Quintology
The Schism and the Age of Alchemy
Centuries ago, the Glukkons were allies of the Mudokons, and shared in their customs, although their practices leant closer to the occult. This time of peace would come to an end, as a meteor shower carved the Mudokons hand into Oddworld's largest moon. Mudokons took this as a sign of their supremacy, and the Glukkons would sever themselves from their shared society in disgust. The Age of Alchemy would follow in an attempt to disprove the Mudokon's faith and crown themselves as the chosen. Their experiments would lead to a disaster, whose nature has been lost to history, that would mar their race from then on.[1]
The survivors of this alchemical disaster would become "enclosurists". They began living inside or underground, hidden from the denouncement carved into the sky itself. This lifestyle would change their anatomy, even their eyes would change to accommodate the lack of natural light. Their separation from the outside world caused them to lose their heritage and empathy, adopting a purely materialistic and scientific approach. Even beneath that, the inbreeding of ideas that emerged from their separation would produce an unshakable hatred of Mudokons.[1]

The ruins of the Mudanchee Vaults
Mudokon-Glukkon relations would go from isolated to outright hostile, with the proud Mudanchee receiving the brunt for their alleged zealotry. The Mudanchee would treat this "act of war" as little more than betrayal. This war, and many other like it, would break the established culutres of Mudos and the great tribes would be forced to near extinction.
Rise of Glukkon Society and the Enslavement of the Mudokons

A group of Glukkons rejoicing in their wealth
As Glukkon society continued to flourish, the Mudokons started to work with the Glukkons in creating the forerunners of the products manufactured today. The relationship would deteriorate until Mudokons were nothing but slaves, as the culture they once practiced withered under the care of the few natives who stayed behind. With the Oktigi and Chroniclers, the Magog Cartel was formed to strengthen the foundation of their industry. With the Sligs and Wolvarks, their order was maintained at loose-trigger-finger gunpoint. With the Vykkers and Interns, the machines of industry would reap the rewards nature sowed, with nothing left behind. This new system, although ruled by a Queen, would mix the functions of anarcho-capitalism and mafia state.
Classic Quintology
Molluck's Blunder

Security measures increased after the Mudokon terrorist escaped from RuptureFarms
After enslaving the Mudokon race, the Magog Cartel had become an industrial juggernaut, with a majority of Oddworld's businesses controlled by Glukkons. It was in this environment that Molluck the Glukkon would rise, establishing the biggest Meat Processing plant on Odddworld. While expanding his empire to shipping, mining, and a strange new beverage, his main business would see a recession due to the encroaching extinction of the animals his products were made of. To appease his board, he proposed that the shortfall would be made up of a new meat product made of his own workforce. This plan was music to the ears of the board, and the most terrifying thing employee of the year Abe had ever heard. He would become one of the few ever to escape RuptureFarms.

The destruction of RuptureFarms
When he returned, he did so with power. Abe would rescue every one of his fellow slaves, and eviscerate the Board. During his escape, he was apprehended by Slig security and taken to meet Molluck in person. Moments before Abe's execution, a group of Mudokons would conjure a lightning storm; severely injuring the Big Cheese in the process. The lightning storm would come to burn RuptureFarms, presumably Molluck along with it.
Liberation of Necrum and destruction of SoulStorm Brewery
Molluck's business was not just in meat. He had been raiding the ancient burial site at Necrum for bones. To keep the secret, many Mudokons had their eyes stitched shut. By disturbing these bones, Molluck had disrupted the rest of Three Weirdos, who pleaded with Abe for his help.
When Abe arrived, his followers would find the latest in Molluck's schemes: an addictive Brew that would keep the workforce addicted and dependent. Abe would gain strange new powers from the disturbed spirits, and would leave a destroyed mining operation in his wake. This terrified Mollock's inferiors: Aslik, Dripik and Phleg. In their attempt to stop Abe from breaking into Soulstorm Brewery, they would sign their own death warrants, as only their word would open the lightning gates to the Brewery. Abe infiltrated FeeCo Depot, Slig Barracks and Bonewerkz, shutting each down, possessing and killing their boss, and rescuing all the slaves held within.
Utterly blindsided by Abe's progress, the Glukkon propaganda machine would try to brand Abe a terrorist, to little effect. Abe would kill many a Junior Executive as he navigated the Zulags of Soulstorm Brewery, until making it to the boiler. He would overload it, turning Soulstorm Brewery into rubble and guaranteeing the freedom of 300 Mudokons. The fall of Molluck's business would lead the way to a revolution in East Mudos.
A GlokStar is Born
The Glukkon Queen's love of Lungbusters had caused her lungs to fail, and she would soon put out a bounty for replacements, preferably from a Gabbit. Yet only one Gabbit remained: Latmire Munch. With the help of some Fuzzles and a Shaman of the Almighty Raisin, Munch would escape captivity. Soon after, a down on his luck Pud named Lulu started an eponymously named "fund". Glukkons did little more than laugh at this, unaware of the storm about to hit the facilities in the north of Eastern Mudos.
The destruction of the Sloghut Fortresses of Spooceshrub Forest would only be a prelude, as Abe teamed up with Munch to squeeze the Glukkons of Mudos' remaining Magog facilities dry. First, they targeted small operations, a Meep farmer and SoulStorm Brewery franchisee would be shut down as the startups' funds were directed straight to Lulu. The Glukkons would not recognise the actions of these Puds and Chumps as anything other than madness, unaware that it was Abe's mind control that directed them.
As Magog Motors, Splinterz and Flub Fuels fell, Lulu's status rose high, being named Glukkon of the year for his inconceivable journey to GlokStardom. Upon rising to the height of Glukkon society, he would gain access to Vykker's Labs as an honored guest. None noticed the two stowaways he brought, even as they were busy stealing the next generation of Mudokon slaves back. At last the time came for the great auction of the last can of Gabbiar. As BIg Cheeses, GlockStars and other elites vied for ownership, Abe struggled to keep control as Lulu suddenly came to, wondering why he was pouring his fortune into a can of "fishy crap". Yet Abe's will won out, and all 3,000,000 moolah went towards one small can. Lulu mourned his loss with the word heard across the Oddworld: "NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
With a whole workforces worth of Mudokon eggs saved, Abe and Munch left Vykker's Labs to burn down, killing all Glukkons, Sligs, Interns and Vykkers aboard. Margret's bounty went unclaimed, and she went on life support, leaving the future of Glukkon society more uncertain than ever.
Modern Quintology
"Brew Was Our Insurance"
The Magog Cartel would spread over Mudos like a mould, establishing great suspended monorail tracks for transporting cargo and labor across Mudos' great deserts. Yet even as their grip over the land was unquestioned, the Glukkons faced an inevitable problem: their workers would escape. They would catch and execute many, yet a few would make it to settlements, meeting with journalists, union representatives and the common khanzumer, resulting in costly PR nightmares due to boycotts. No matter how much they invested in new security measures, this problem occurred again and again, and one young alchemist would make it his life's mission to put a stop to it.
This Glukk would come to be known as the Brewmaster. Following a successful partnership with Vykker's Labs, he would propose an ingenious solution to the Cartel: Soulstorm Brew would not only give Mudokons the energy to work long days, not only would it keep them addictive and dependent on their Glukkon masters, but should any given laborer somehow muster the strength of will to make an escape, they would die from withdrawal within 48 hours. The Brewmaster was given the funding to establish SoulStorm Brewery, and his Brew would be the keystone of industry for the next few decades. Every new factory would have a pipeline connected directly to the Brewery. Every new laborer would become addicted to the Brew. Everyone was happy... everyone who mattered at least.
"We'll Chop 'Em Up"
Glukkon society would grow rich and complacent off the back of cheap labor. It was in this environment that Molluck the Glukkon would rise, establishing the biggest Meat Processing plant on Odddworld. He ran a "disruptive" business model hunting apex predators and turning them into highly process meat treats. This inevitably led to problems, as the hunts yielded fewer and fewer results, his investors put pressure on him to find a solution. He proposed that the shortfall would be made up of a new meat product made of his own workforce. This plan was music to the ears of the board, and the most terrifying thing a certain employee of the year had ever heard.

The destruction of Rupture Farms
He would escape, but when he returned, he did so with power. Abe would rescue every one of his fellow slaves, and eviscerate the Board. During his escape, he was apprehended by Slig security and taken to meet Molluck in person. Moments before Abe's execution, a group of Mudokons would conjure a lightning storm; severely injuring the Big Cheese in the process. The lightning storm would come to burn RuptureFarms completely, leaving a smoke cloud that could be seen for miles.
"Pathetic, Uneducated Schmuck"
Molluck would survive, although he didn't leave unmarred. A great lightning-shaped scare tore across his face, leaving one eye blind. After giving a brief interview, he would board his blimp, and make off to take his revenge against Abe. The account he left was unconvincing to the Magog media, who immediately jumped to the conclusion that Molluck had started the fire himself to commit insurance fraud. Rumor spread almost as fast as the official narrative, horror stories brewed among the Slig ranks of a supernatural slave who could possess anyone and disappear at will. Most Glukkons dismissed this outright: "Never in history has a Mudokon beaten a Glukkon ever!"
The Mudokon holy site of Necrum has long since been plundered by Necrum Mines in order to harvest enough bones to supply and entire continent's worth of Brew. Its CEO was "Baron" Morguer, and he remained unconvinced of the Magog Cartel's narrative: he had suffered a string of escapees recently and was trying to report this to the Glukk he held responsible: the Brewmaster. However, all communication along the Z-Line had ceased. He would soon get his answer, or at least part of it, as a Hijacked train pulled into Necrum, and a lone Mudokon tore through the many layers of the mine. Morguer desperately tried to prevent a full riot by herding his employees into the silos. This was of no use, and the entire workforce of Necrum would ride the hijacked train to freedom.
Molluck remained in pursuit: Abe's success in Phat Station, the Old Trellis, Slig Barracks and Necrum would all be lain on his shoulders. By this point, the rumors of a Mudokon revolution would reach the ears of the Brewmaster himself. While he would tell his head of security to supress rumors of the Brew's failure, he privately doubted himself, if only for a second. He instead concluded that Molluck had spread the rumors himself, sacrificing the Brew (and Brewmaster's) reputation to save his own. This would not save him, as a train loaded with antidote ingredients and protected by holy lightning would break into Soulstorm Brewery. Abe would defeat the Brewmaster's security forces and take control of the mixing machine at the Eye of the Storm, spreading the antidote that would free Mudos from its chemically induced chains.
"We're In This... Together"
The Brewmaster's day would only get worse, as Morguer and Ludwig von Aslik would arrive at his office demaning an explanation for the uprisings at Necrum and FeeCo Depot that SoulStorm Brew failed to prevent. In his frustration, The Brewmaster would lay all the blame at Molluck's feet, syaing that the army of Mudokons under the banner of the "Spirit of 1029" were infact commanded by Molluck to cover up the arson fraud of RuptureFarms. Unfortunately, Molluck was listening. Faced between execution and having to cede his remaining fortune to bribe some elite Sligs, Molluck swallowed his pride and gave the go-ahead to his Chaffeur and his new Slig buddies. Aslik, Morguer and the Brewmaster would all be shot down in what the authorities would label an "industrial accident".
The revolutions of Mudos had only just begun. Without the Brew, and with a story to inspire them, the Mudokons under the Magog Cartel's heel would other throw their masters. Unknown to any Glukkon, Abe had learned the truth of the Mudokon people, who they were, what was done to them, and most pressingly of all, where his mother was. The Glukkon city of Nolybab would be the next target of the Mudokon revolution, and the future of Oddworld hangs in the balance.
Wealth Levels

The Stages of Glukkon Power
Glukkons are a greedy and industrial race, who judge one another based on personal wealth or social status. This is seen with how Lulu is hated and disdained early in Munch's Oddysee, but is praised and respected after he becomes a rich and famous Glockstar. In Munch's Oddysee, there are 5 different levels of wealth among Glukkons, though it can be assumed that these levels do not necessarily apply to all Glukkons on Oddworld.
- Pud - Relatively poor. Work lower class jobs, such as Meep farming.
- Chump - Describable as the Glukkon "Middle Class". This caste contains jobs such as small business owners. Most notable is the nameless Glukkon who owns the micro-brewery that Abe must infiltrate in Munch's Oddysee.
- Wanna-Be - Wealthy business owners. Aslik is most likely in this category. They try to imitate the style and clothing of other more successful business owners. Seen wearing small bluish-purple suits and smoking small cigars, they own medium-sized businesses. A prime example is the owner of Magog Motors.
- Big Cheese - Large business owners. Contain the likes of Molluck and Dripik. Wear large dark suits and usually smoke cigars. Among the ranks of Molluck and his buddies is the owner of Splinterz Manufacturing Co., the largest tooth-pick factory on Oddworld.
- GlockStar - Seen only twice. Owners of large monopolies or trust funds (or in Lulu's case, a massive charity). Wear large and extravagant glitter-encrusted suits with big gaudy hats and shiny sunglasses. The only self-made GlockStar seen thus far is Tex, the owner of Flub Fuels, a massive oil conglomerate. He wears a green suit, while Lulu wears a purple one. Despite being a part of the Glukkon social hierarchy, the rank of GlockStar exists mainly to improve one's ego in society. Holding the position of GlockStar is not often exploited in order to show signs of self reserve in the business world.
Notable Glukkons

Prominent Glukkons: General Dripik, Vice President Aslik, and Director Phleg
- Molluck - On the run
- General Dripik - Killed via violent de-possession
- Brewmaster - Killed in the SoulStorm Brewery explosion/Killed via vigilante firing squad
- Director Phleg - Killed via violent de-possession
- Vice President Aslik - Killed after possession at FeeCo Depot
- Lulu - Homeless
- Tex - Status unknown.
- Lady Margaret Queen of the Glukkons - Currently on Life Support (Good Ending of Munch's Oddysee)
- Baron Morguer - Executed via vigilante firing squad
- CEO Ludwig von Aslik - Killed via vigilante firing squad
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (First Appearance)
- Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
- Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
- The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994 - 2004
- Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
- Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
- Oddworld: Soulstorm
- In Oddworld: Soulstorm, Glukkons are portrayed as being so arrogant they refuse to believe a Mudokon revolution is even possible. This reflects how in the real-world's Haitian Revolution, the three free social classes would blame each other for instigating the revolt instead of believing the slaves were rising up on their own.
- Having foregone their magical ways makes the current generation of Glukkons largely ignorant about magic and treat it like a hoax. Consequently, this causes the Glukkons to be unprepared in dealing with Abe's magical abilities.
- Overall, if both the Mudokons and the Sligs decide to rise up against the Glukkons, the Glukkons would be easily disposed of due to their complete lack of fighting skills.
- The term Glukkon is a play on the word glutton, an old term used to describe overconsumption.
Abe's Oddysee/Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
Oddworld: Soulstorm