Director Phleg is one of the high-ranking executives of the SoulStorm Brewery and the "head boner" of the Bonewerkz, a factory where excavated bones are processed into the raw ingredients for a variety of products, notably SoulStorm Brew.
He is one of the three secondary antagonists (alongside General Dripik and Vice President Aslik) of Abe's Exoddus.
Personality []
Phleg's wealth and position in the Magog Cartel are his primary concerns. Also, he is overt with his emotions. His neurosis prompts him to break down during a live interview with the Magog On the March News, lamenting his own crippled business and proclaiming imminent doom for the entire industry.

An advert for Bonewerkz
In Abe's Exoddus, he's wearing a dark blue suit with black satin lapels, matching dress pants, and a pair of black shoes. His skin color is green and he has glowing, orange eyes. His bottom jaw protrudes much more than other Glukkons.
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus[]
A Glukkon which appears to be be Director Phleg is shown in a flashback handing out free SoulStorm Brew to Mudokons in the desert.
In the wake of Molluck's disappearance, along with the destruction of both RuptureFarms and Necrum Mines, Phleg meets with Vice President Aslik and General Dripik in the boardroom of SoulStorm Brewery, to discuss the very real possibility of the renegade Abe infiltrating and shutting down the Brewery. Phleg is openly concerned with his own ongoing career, so when Aslik suggests placing SoulStorm Brewery on permanent lockdown, he gleefully agrees. Operation: Lightning Bolt is then implemented at FeeCo Depot, which barricades the SoulStorm Brewery platform behind three gates of electricity and secures the corridors leading to the platform with a heavy Slig or Greeter presence.
Despite these precautions, Abe is able to train-hop his way into Bonewerkz. On arrival, he watches a Magog On the March broadcast where Phleg emotionally declares his career over, blaming Abe's destruction of Necrum Mines.
Abe possesses Phleg and orders one of the three electric gates to be deactivated. Phleg then spontaneously combusts once Abe de-possesses his body, effectively shutting down the bone production arm of the SoulStorm Brewery. If Phleg accidentally died before he disarm the gate, a Slig will drop and gun down Abe.
Memorable Quotes[]
- "I hate that Abe guy!"
- "It ain't my fault! It's that Abe guy! First Rupture Farms, now Necrum Mines! There ain't no bones anywhere. No bones, no brew! I am totally screwed! My career is over, (cries) and it's all that blue bastard's fault!"
- "Don't Think, Drink!"
- "I've got a career to consider!"
- Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (First appearance)
- Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Mentioned only)
- The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994 - 2004
- Director Phleg appeared in Munch's Oddysee as one of the pictured Glukkons in The Daily Deception, as shown in the "Lulu Fund Founded" cutscene. He is on the left of the picture, smiling along with the other Glukkons. While this initially appears to be a continuity error, as Phleg had died by this point of the story, this featured picture was apparently old and exempt from any royalties.[1]
- Phleg (along with the Brewmaster and Mollock) is one of the Glukkons who refers to Abe as a "blue bastard".