The g4 munch's odyssey promo videos should they have pages?
Next Oddworld game
If Oddworld Inhabitants make a sequel to Soulstorm, do you think it should tell a new story or should it be a reimagining of Munch's oddysee?
Typography, policies and more!
If you are a regular visitor of either the Oddworld Wiki or Fandom wikis in general, you may have noticed a big change in the way text is presented on the Oddworld Wiki since today. The main font for articles, as well as many font sizes and other tiny layout settings have been tweaked to give the readers of our articles a much better experience. For those of you browsing Fandom on mobile; this will not affect you.
- 1 But why?
- 2 Changes in detail
- 3 Wiki rules and policies
- 4 The future
So why this change? Years ago, when Fandom was still named Wikia, the designers at Wikia decided in their infinite wisdom that the default typography of MediaWiki (the underlying framework of Wikipedia and Fandom wikis big and small) was not good enough. Many arguments …
Navbox Help
Hi, I am Yukon Smith and I need some help regarding the character navboxes. I was wondering where I could find them in the editor so I could add them to character pages. Furthermore, how does one add a navbox to a page? Thanks for your time and consideration!
Hello all my fellow Natives and Industrialists! I was wondering if the Octigi are the ruling family over the Glukkons and such; could we see them as a potential upper-class enemy hiding behind the shadows of the Glukkons?
Fangus Klot
Hello, my name is Yukon Smith and I am a fellow wiki member!
I was just wondering what is everyone's thoughts on Fangus Klot? Do you think it could have been a good game and what would you like to see if it did came out? Hate to be a bother and thanks for your time!
A Graphical Touch Up
Hello all you Oddworldians!
In this first new blog in almost two years it's time we have a talk about graphics! No, not the pretty graphics from the Soulstorm cinematic that Oddworld Inhabitants showed off at Unity GDC this year. I'm talking about the graphics on our very own little wiki. Over the years the wiki has undergone many graphical style changes (if you're curious how it all looked in 2013, have a look at this page in the Way Back Machine), but today the wiki has a fairly uniform theme. The colors are easy on the eyes and thanks to the "efforts" of Wikia/Fandom the layout of articles have changed a fair bit as well, though if this is for better or worse is up to personal opinion.
One of the things that survived from the old layouts …
New lore, new problems!
Many things are happening with the Oddworld series lately. SoulStorm is only a few months away from release and information is slowly being released. Lorne Lanning has confirmed that the series has been rebooted and with that comes a challenge for those of us documenting lore. For the wiki specifically we're currently dealing with the question of how to handle the new lore, some of which directly conflicts with the old lore. I've come up with some decent guidelines on this subject, but these still need to be fleshed out and will be posted at a later time closer to Soulstorm's release. For the moment any editing on the wiki is business as usual. New images from Soulstorm can be added to articles where possible, but any major rewrites of art…
abe for smash for the switch
so i know what your thinking HOW well new and tasty was releesed on the wii u so thares a slight chance
move set
special through grenade or rock
down special
Not really a blog post, just saying this is the first time I've used this Wikia xD
Yeah, well this is the first time I've used this wikia. Geez, they have a wikia for everything!
Anyway surprised I never found this, but don't expect edits because I'll rediscover this sometime haha
Grumpcade is playing Oddworld!
Barry and Ninja Brian are playing Abe's Oddysee on Grumpcade!
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee: Follow the Leader - PART 1 - Grumpcade
I got it!
I finally bought New'n'Tasty and the Alf DLC during the X-mas Steam sale!
From my initial reactions to finally playing it, I'm glad they didn't stick with the deeper Abe voice they used in the tech demo/teaser. Also, don't get me wrong, the cutscenes are beautiful but, I still think the pre-rendered ones from the original game were better. Sure, there's more detail but, I liked how desaturated and gloomy the original game looked. I also wish they had the option to choose between seeing the family friendly Mudokon pops and the gory decapitated one. I'm still trying to get used to playing with a keyboard since I originally played the game on PS1 back in the 90s.
Now that I own the game, I'll probably take lots of screenshots for the wiki.
New notification templates!
Hello everyone!
In my ongoing effort to raise the quality of usability of this wiki I have overhauled the various notifications sometimes shown on articles. These used to be absolute enormous boxes with a little bit of text in them to notify users about issues with an article. Of course the image and the quote were a fun touch, but the overall size of the message boxes caused huge gaps of white space in articles and generally didn't make them any more pleasant to read.
Taking inspiration from some of the more established wiki's out there, the notifications have been trimmed down so they can easily be added to articles without instantly messing up the page and becoming an eye-sore. The following notifications have been redesigned:
Finally the …
Project Wiki Cleanup & New Admin
Hello friendly Oddworld Wiki residents,
Radical Edward has been kind enough to bestow the mythical powers of the admin onto me so I can properly help out administrating this Wikia. Since he doesn't always have a lot of time I'll be going around the wiki and bringing it up to the same standard of some of the larger and more popular Wikia's out there. Expect to see some changes here and there!
First and foremost I'll be giving the frontpage a much needed touchup, since that hasn't been changed for well over a year. I'm going to make it more functional and more pleasant to look at. Hopefully you'll all like the end result :).
See you around!
Theme Song's for Oddworld Character's
Hello Guy's ever since that "Dark Future" Fiasco. Everything's gone quiet for a while so I decided during the silence of you idiot's to give theme song's to the oddworld character's.
Abe: It fit's abe since well he's a rebel to the glukkon's.
Munch: the chilled out beat fit's munch at least.
Humphrey and Irwin: Humphrey and Irwin remind me of Reed and Roger Dual Pyschopath's from DR2 or Dead Rising 2.
Big Face: because big face is tribal
Future Abe:Yet to decide.
This is my second post so review below and give me your opini…
Hello everyone this is my first blog on oddworld wiki and I get a chance in the future to post some info's,photos and also some cam images I've made since I've joined OWF (Oddworld Fourms) yeah it's a long story for that had some issues with others. But anyway enough talking I'm going to take through all my editing stuff I've done. So hope u enjoy this blog. :)
So I finally added the message wall feature to the wiki. Later today I'm going to work on rolling in Oddworld themed achievements. I would have done it sooner but the achievements used to be very buggy when they were first introduced. Also, a new forum section might be added soon :)
New 'n' Tasty is LIVE
New 'n' Tasty is out now on PS4! Check out the details here:
Just one day before the "Great Day"!
"Ze Boilah" is overheating in this part of this country! - many inhabitants and employees waiting for the big day, as we may speak. It's not just a normal's a new perspective, a new graphic model, new cutscenes, and a new gameplay.
After the big day, what next? Well, in this way, the problem becomes complex. On which console? Or on PC? These two questions are hard to be answered. Of course, some will say: Console! Or, PS Vita! Others, will pretend not hearing the first ones and will shout: PC!
Anyway, i can predict that new people will come in our Oddworld Wikia - some new, some old - rejoining this lost and powerfull community. The Oddworld Wikia will become more popular ( i hope so ) in the future days of releasing the New 'n' Ta…
Searching for a Master in Drawing! I want a Abe Warrior for a Tattoo Design! HELP!!!
Hello my fellow Modukun Warriors! :)
Like to Blog title allready says: I am looking for someone who is willing and thinks he can draw me a very specific version of Abe. I want to get a very cool Abe tattoo, since Abe's Oddysee was my very first game as a child, and made me into the gamer i am today. Without Abe, no Games! My love for Oddworld is enormous. and i would love to have this specific piece of Abe on my body.
The thing is: I have this version of Abe all sketched out in my mind, but sadly enough i can't put it on paper the way i would want it to be. Thats why im searching for someone with a talent for drawing and passion for Abe just like me! If you think you have the skills to draw me my Warrior Abe, please feel free to contact me …
welcom me!!
in case you havent notice the grait awsom and megestic glockstar is here seriusly this site has been up for years and nobody thought of glockstar realy any ways you can worship me later i am one of the greatest fans of oddworld and i say welcom me to the wiki hello me how are you doing im fine me anyway me i better end now bye me
Hello, everyone.
So, this is TheGoodGlukkon here. I started up an account way back when in 2011, when a vandal showed up and started to pollute the pages here. Well, it's been a while now, and I just saw someone here bemoan the lack of active users. Well, I'm back and happy to help...for a bit (I have three other Wiki accounts on other sites, and am working on one of them majorly [being the admin. of two of those three] so I can get to starting up a fourth one on a Wikia that's pretty messy).
See, I saw a lot of things I'd like to alter in these articles, all for the better. I'd like to, for example, rewrite some of the articles to be more elaborate in some ways, and more streamlined in others, cutting away, for example, speculation, trivia, etc., and a…
More Staff
I'm still alive. Except again the issue is I feel that we're short on staff still. I can't be online all the time like I wish I could be. If anyone is interested in becoming part of the staff with running this wiki, please let me know in the comments and I'll message you. --RadicalEdward2 (talk) 16:58, August 1, 2013 (UTC)
Spring Break
Now that I'm done with midterms, I can get back to working on the wiki and give it the TLC it's needed. I'm finally on 'spring' break :D
Comment Section
After testing out the Comment section, I decided to revert back to the Talk Page instead to keep article change suggestions organized. --RadicalEdward2 (talk) 15:24, February 18, 2013 (UTC)
Badge/Achievement Tests
I'm working on possible achievements for the wiki. However, I'm still working on image positioning for the badges. Due to the limited flexibility of the image positioning opens for the achievements, this may take longer than expected. I've contacted Wikia Staff to see if they could help shed some light on this issue. I'll post an update on the situation when something comes up.
Badge/Achievement Ideas
Here's some ideas of images to use as badges. Let me know what you guys think. I don't know what the badge requirements will be yet. I'm thinking of making the 1999 one as a badge for making over 99 edits.
Back to Seriousness
Okay now that December 1st is out of my system. I finally had some time in my hectic college schedule to put together a template for a level navigation box for all of the levels of Abe's Oddysee. So now we know which articles we need to make. The ones in the list are needed to keep information about levels and gameplay separate from information pertaining to the storyline, canon, etc. If anyone has any questions, put them in the comment section below.
Sorry for the pointless update. Just wanted to do this since last year lol --RadicalEdward2
Oddworld Images
A few years back, I discovered a website that was used to archive a good portion of the Oddworld franchises illustrations including concept art, screenshots, cancelled projects, and Fangus Klot concept art. Recently, I discovered that the site (once known as TOGG or the Oddworld Encyclopedia) has finally died most likely due to the site owner's failure to keep up with site payment fees to keep it alive. However, with the help of another user on the wiki known as, Coldflame, we managed to backup all the files from the site before it shutdown. Over time, I will try to upload any of the images backed up that could be used on this wiki since they are all official material.
Petition to get Oddworld on the Xbox 360!
To every Oddworld fan.
When I saw that Oddworld was coming out on the Xbox back in 2001 me and my brother just had to get an Xbox to play Oddworld. Then Oddworld Inhabitants went out of business a few years latter. Then I got an Xbox 360 and really liked that as well, and then the Xbox became my favorite system. About a few years later Oddworld Inhabitants got back in business with the help of J.A.W. and that there remaking all of the Oddworld games then coming out with new ones, I was very happy about this, then Microsoft said no for Oddworld to come out on the Xbox 360, this like a normal Oddworld fan made me very mad at Microsoft. The problem was I am a big fan in Oddworld and the Xbox, and my PC can't run all the new Oddworld's, and I …
Site Logo
Well guys, sorry again for the long gap since my last update. I finally managed to put together a logo for the site. Let me know what you all think. I'm starting to dabble a bit with transparent imaging so I might try to make some small adjustments here and there. I will try to keep updates posted.
I apologize for my recent absence. I've been busy with summer classes at college and have been sick with Bronchitis for the past week. Once I start feeling better and my schedule lightens up, I will be more active.
Upcoming news related to Abe's Odysee HD!
Ah, the smell of victory is coming. Throw the ashes and fire, risses soon Oddworld Abe's Odysee HD. Im putting myself some questions. Its going to be awsome? People really expect this? Well, i can hardly say that, my friends, were at the begining of a " long journey ".
Several days ago, a friend sent me a link. Surprisingly, it was related to Abe's Odysee HD. An important article describes the work and the progression of the game itself. " Amazing! " i said exited. " Now this is a perfect piece of information! "
A part, it looks something like this : " Abe’s Oddysee enjoyed wide success when it was released back on the original Playstation in 1997. While a 2D platformer at heart, Abe’s Oddysee features a lot of puzzle solving through the art …
Oddworld versus Earthworm Jim
Oddworld is, well, odd. That's what keeps fans coming back to the series is the strange mix of characters, gameplay, and world. Another beloved series that shares many similar traits is the Earthworm Jim series of games. So which one is best? Vote below!
Oddworld is a series that has featured many characters, each of them incredibly unique. There are several different protagonists over the series, including Abe, Munch, and Stranger.
Earthworm Jim almost exclusively revolves around one character, Jim. There are a slew of side characters though, as well as the characters created for the television series.
Update on the Moderator Situation
I recently made a blog post that asked for members to come forward if they wished to become moderators. After speaking with Wikia staff, it turns out the position of 'Moderator' no longer exists. Instead, I am thinking of promoting the people I had spoken to in private into Administrators. Upon seeing this post, I would like those users to contact me via email in order to discuss the terms. Leave comments below if anyone has any questions.
Oddworld Inhabitants Book
I have recently obtained a copy of the Oddworld book, The Art of Oddworld Inhabitants: The First Ten Years 1994 - 2004. I am aware that the book is old news now but it will be useful with further expanding and improving information on the wikia.
I recently decided to include the live chat to the site. So far, I believe it can be accessed for the Activity page. Leave some feedback in the comments section.
Looking for Moderators
I am currently looking for members of our community to help me maintain the site as moderators. As you may have noticed, I have not been able to log on and keep an eye on the site as much as I had hoped to due to being in college. If anyone finds themselves as moderator material and are capable of carrying out their duties in keep the wikia in order, please post in the comment section as I will review your contributions to the site. --RadicalEdward2 14:30, February 17, 2012 (UTC)